Christian Mayne


Doug Lazy at Cinderlla Rockerfella’s Cambridge

Doug Lazy at Cinderlla Rockerfella’s Cambridge

Doug Lazy with Razette from Raze at Cinderella Rockerfells, Cambridge Sunday 13th August 1989

Advice to a New Club Promoter

There is only one golden rule: The ONLY thing that gets people into events is other people. If you already have people coming, other people will come. As far as nightclub events go, this is the ONLY rule that matters. I promise you. Other rules: As a promoter, your job is to convince people that other people are already coming. That's the only thing that matters. See the golden rule. If you try to convince people of the merit of the event, you are wasting your time. See the ...

Chicago Rock Cafe Cats

All this digging out old stuff from my past as a Chicago Rock Cafe DJ in the 90s reminds me that they used to have this thing called "Chicago Cats" or something. Basically, the bar staff would work out a dance routine to something awful, like "Greased Lightning" and at some pre-appointed time, probably midnight, the DJ would put on the record and the "Cats" (ie barstaff) would stop serving drinks, get on the bar and perform their dance routine. It was, without doubt, the most ...
The Thinking DJ

The Thinking DJ

In 1996, all the Chicago Rock Cafe DJs got together and had a big meeting (unpaid). They put on their very best thinking caps and entered the Chicago Rock Cafe 'Think Tank', chaired by the self appointed 'Head DJ', where they voiced their very best ideas. Luckily someone was on hand to minute the meeting and distribute to all the Absentees (i.e. me). This is the cream of the UKs DJ talent, thinking their very best ideas. Be awe inspired.
How to Create An Atmosphere as a DJ

How to Create An Atmosphere as a DJ

This diagram came from the handout provided by Luminar Leisure during one of their monthly "Patronise a DJ" meetings (which, I hasten to add, I never attended, despite constant 'last' warnings). So in 1997, nearly ten years after turning professional, I was bemused to receive a memo containing the following diagram, presumably telling me what I had been getting wrong over all these years. Idiots.
Me vs The Rank Organisation

Me vs The Rank Organisation

It's 1992, I'm the DJ at Cambridge's first Student night, the club's busiest night by far, my contract has just been extended and I've been given a payrise. Enter the New Manager, who's first action was to sack the existing DJs so he could put his mates in. As I'd been there nearly 5 years, had a baby son and felt a bit hard done by, I didn't want to take this lying down. So whilst clearing out the garage today, I found this heart warming series of letters.